Acceso estudiantes

Eva Asensio del Arco


Doctor (PhD) in Economic and Business Sciences from the UCM (Madrid). More than 20 years as a consultant in leading innovation projects, author of several books and research papers, and extensive teaching experience at the UCM, the UFV and the UOC.


PhD in Economic and Business Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Eva has a Master's Degree in Humanities from Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV). She taught at the UCM, at the UFV and at the Open University of Catalonia.


Professor Asensio has worked for more than 20 years as a consultant in leading innovation projects in companies, foundations and public and private organisations. She has extensive teaching experience in public and private universities in the area of Business. She is the author of manuals, books and numerous pieces of research, such as the article 'The factors of Spanish economic growth' (Vaccaro R., after the lecturer's speech in the cycle 'La Spagna e l'Italia dal nacionalismo economico alla globalizzazione', organized by the University of Rome La Sapienza, in 2010). Another of her outstanding academic articles is: 'From Corporate Social Responsibility to Social Entrepreneurship: Methodology for Implementing a Social Entrepreneurship Action and Performance Evaluation', in the Handbook of Research on Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics (Iggy Global).

Lineas de investigación

Eva has a wide trajectory in the field of research in UNIR and the UFV, in areas such as the international economy and external relations; the monetary economy; the labor market and labor relations. Also in the areas of corporate social responsibility; knowledge and talent management; in quality management systems; and R + D + i projects in the field of business.

Algunos estudios en los que imparte clase

Graduación UNIR, areas de conocimiento

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