Acceso estudiantes
Luis Muñoz Velasco

Luis Muñoz Velasco


PhD in Thermal Engineering from the University of La Rioja and Master of Project Management from IESE and Structuralia.


PhD in Thermal Engineering from the University of La Rioja and Master of Project Management from IESE and Structuralia.


Professor Muñoz combines his professional career leading operation management in the Energy and Infrastructure industries with his teaching and research activity. He has oriented his professional career towards the Operation and Financial control of international projects. He is a professor of Project Management for UNIR as well as coordinator of the MBA in English.

Lineas de investigación

His participation in several research groups allows him to maintain an outstanding scientific production, generating a very favorable environment for the transfer of knowledge and continuous improvement in the industry, which derives in innovative educational and operational methodologies.

Graduación UNIR, areas de conocimiento

Áreas de conocimiento

Formamos alumnos en nueve ramas de especialización diferentes, ajustando nuestra oferta educativa a la demanda laboral de las empresas.

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