Acceso estudiantes
Trinidad Cortés Puya

Trinidad Cortés Puya



PhD in Human Geography from the UCM (2002) and EMBA from IESE Business School (2009). She holds a Masters in Cultural Management from the UCM (2005). She also has graduated from the International Faculty Program from IESE Business School (2014).


She has taught in a variety of institutions worldwide (Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra- Portugal; Karlshochschule International University - Germany; UNIBE- Dominican Republic; Anahuac Puebla- Mexico). In addition, she has also researched under an international scope (Universidad de Guadalajara & Universidad Anahuac DF in Mexico), Universidad Complutense. She currently serves as a Lecturer in Marketing at UNIR. She also is an active consultant in strategy linked to tourism development.

Graduación UNIR, areas de conocimiento

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